Do you usually find frequent issues or problems with your agriculture spray pumps? Problems are common once it exceeds its lifespan. But, if you frequently notice issues in your new spray, then you may not be following the maintenance properly. Regular maintenance and following best practices will enhance the longevity of the sprayers. Apart from this, spray pump accessories need timely replacement.
Looking for a way to increase the productivity of your spraying equipment while reducing equipment issues and maintenance costs? Here are the best ways to avoid multiple problems with spray equipment.

Always Start With The Right Spraying Components
The problem usually starts without the right spraying components. You must check out for components with spare parts that are available and suitable for using various fertilizers, for example, seaweed fertilizer. When you fail to comply with these conditions, it will result in sprayer failure and downtime.
For example, if you own a backpack sprayer for garden use, it may work up to six months before it breaks down. If the replacement parts are not available, there’s no use of the sprayer anymore. Always prefer to invest in the fully powered sprayer version. Purchasing major components such as motors, pumps, tanks, hoses, reels, connectors, and clamps is also important.
Prefer A Suitable Design
Remember, it is not enough to buy top-quality components. You must check out whether the components are well-configured or not. If you ignore this, problems will occur. Here are the three critical to consider in sprayer design:
Technician Safety
Poorly designed sprayers or water blasters can lead to safety hazards. Further, the repair will be expensive, and you will encounter unnecessary risk. Make sure that the parts are well-shielded. Also, check out that the sharp corners are protected. Check out whether you can clean the sprayer easily.
Access And Productivity
Poor design will affect the technicians’ ability to access and spray the sprayer. Make sure that the technicians can reach all the components easily. Technicians must easily reach the checkpoints to make sure of operational efficiency.
Maintenance And Repair
Keep in mind that all sprayer equipment needs maintenance and servicing on time. When the components are not accessible for maintenance, the longevity of the equipment will degrade. So, the design must facilitate easy replacement of engine oil. Also, the pump should be removed easily for servicing. Overall, make sure that all the key components are serviced easily.

Look For Proper Filtration
It is important to check for proper filtration in every manual and electric sprayer when using weed killer NZ. This is because filtration will lead to more issues in the components. A clogged filter will cause water to be lost from the pump, which will damage the pump eventually.
Missing, damaged, and inadequate filtration systems will allow debris to enter. Further, it will damage the pump, along with the clogged lines, guns, fittings, hoses, and nozzles. If you have a cracked filter, it will lead to air leaks and make the sprayer unusable. All these will further lead to expensive issues.
Never Over-Pressurize The Sprayer
To get the job done quickly, farmers usually use the sprayers at a much higher pressure than required. Constantly spraying them at high pressure will decrease the life of the equipment. It will affect the components such as pumps, hoses, seals, etc. Backpack sprayers have to be sensitive to handle excessive pressure. It will allow technicians to see, listen, and be knowledgeable about the equipment.
If your backpack doesn't function properly under normal pressure, excessive pressure will often make the situation worse. It will often result in expensive repairs. Other risks of operating under high pressure include large chemical spills in the event of hose or fitting failure. It will reduce droplet size and increase spray drift, which can lead to contamination and litigation. For example, when you are using rooting hormone, it won’t be effective anymore.
Regularly Perform Preventive Care And Maintenance
Most spraying equipment fails to function at busy times due to a lack of maintenance and care. To avoid this beforehand, you must perform preventative care and maintenance on a regular basis whenever possible. Remember that the best quality spray equipment needs servicing. When you spend little time and effort on the equipment, it will save you thousands of dollars. All the sprayer equipment, along with the components, needs better maintenance.
Always Release The Pressure From The Sprayer Equipment
Do not store the sprayer under pressure. It will shorten the life of hoses, fittings, seals, O-rings, etc. Moreover, it puts more stress on the pump and motor when it is starting. The water in the sprayer doesn't have room to expand, which also increases the risk of damage due to freezing.
This is why it is recommended to release pressure every time it stops to get into the habit of releasing pressure at the end of the day. It is the minimum frequency at which pressure must be released.
Buy Sprayer Equipment And Accessories From SprayShopNZ!
For timely replacement, if you are looking for a store online, visit the SprayShopNZ store. All types of spraying equipment and components are available here. You can make a reliable purchase for your farming.