Whether you are a gardener or a farmer, when it comes to the safe cultivation of fruit and vegetables, you need to carefully select the best range of fertilisers for maximum effectiveness. There are many products available in the market with added synthetics. Hence, you should carefully select fertilisers in NZ for the healthy growth of plants. These fertilizers are made up of essential nutrients, and some ingredients are formulated to target specific aspects of plant growth. Here are some top fertilizers in New Zealand that can help with promoting healthy plant growth.

SmartGro Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Tablets
SmartGro is a reliable fertilizer brand for plant nourishment and strength. Its Tree & Shrub fertiliser tablets are a blend of essential nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, Magnesium, and other trace elements that promote root development and overall plant health. There is no risk of phytotoxic damage even when you use it in excess. These tablets are slow-release, providing a steady supply of nutrients to the plants over an extended period.
The direction of use:
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to determine the number of fertilizer tablets in your plants according to their size. Place the tablets at 150 to 300mm deep under the tree root zone. Then cover with soil and water plants, and the nutrients will gradually release.
SpraySmart Phos400 Nutrient Formulation
SpraySmart Phos400 Nutrient Formulation is an effective liquid fertilizer with a high phosphorus concentration. You can just apply a small amount of solution that can go a long way. These fertilisers for healthy plants are easy to apply as you just have to spray them directly onto the plant roots or leaves. This nutrient formula is suitable for many plants, including fruits, flowers, and vegetable farming.
Dose Rate:
Take 250ml Phos400 liquid and dilute in 100 liters of spray solution along with surfactant as required for wetting the leaf. Apply it every 3 to 4 weeks for plant maintenance and every two weeks for root infection treatment.
Liba 10,000 Root Promoting Compound
Liba 10,000 Root Promoting compound fertilizer contains a blend of essential nutrients designed to promote root development and improve overall plant health. It can be used for softwood, semi-hardwood, and hardwood cutting types.
Direction of use:
Follow the manufacturer’s directions for using the compound. Dilute the appropriate concentration with water. Use the quick dip method for up to 5 seconds, or for difficult root varieties, use the overnight dip method for root treatment.
Fertigofol Ultra Agro Nutrition
Fertigofol Ultra Agro Nutrition is a liquid fertilizer that contains a blend of essential nutrients. It activates nutrients for a wide range of crops to adapt to various plants. It works to improve photosynthesis and plants' capacity to intake mineral elements through the root system to promote the overall growth of the plant.
Dose rate:
Follow the manufacturer's direction of use. Take 5 liters per hectare of Fertigofol Ultra concentration liquid and dilute it in 100 liters per hectare of water for foliar application.
Acrecio Root Activator
Acrecio is a liquid fertilizer formula serving as a root activator that helps with improving the plant's capacity to develop and utilize nutrients. It’s one of the unique fertilisers in NZ containing a blend of plant hormones, vitamins, and minerals to stimulate root growth. It's best used for grain, corn, and sunflowers.
Direction of use:
It can be used for foliar application, roots, and ground application. Use a concentration of 0.5- 0.75% Acrecio liquid and dilute it with water to apply the solution.
TM Agricultural Soil Activator
The TM Agricultural Soil Activator is another excellent fertilizer for enhancing soil health. This is one of the most reliable fertilisers for healthy plants in New Zealand, majorly used in a wide range of agriculture, horticulture, and viticulture applications. This fertilizer can improve the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients for increasing biological activity in the soil, so it would be easier for the plant to absorb nutrients.
Direction of use:
The dose rate varies for various crop-type applications. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. But for general application, you can use 250ml per hector and apply the diluted solution.
Fertilizers are essential feeds for plant growth if you want them to give you the maximum yield. Consider these effective top-rated fertilizers in New Zealand for your plant and shrubs' overall growth. They can promote a strong root system, improve soil quality and enhance the plant’s nutrient uptake.